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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Google Play Store: Changing Purchase Currency

I am based in Singapore and I wanted to purchase an app on Google Play Store.  The app is called WatchMaker which cost USD1.99 however I am seeing the price of SGD2.99 this is due to location and SIM card is bearing a Singapore number.

Making a calculation the exchange rate I am getting from Google for this app will be 1.5.  This is crazy.  At current my credit card company is only charging me 1.38 at worse.

Do note not all apps are using this exchange rate.  For example, I tried another app, Facer Watch Face which is showing SGD1.35 with my local Singapore SIM Card.

The app actually cost me USD1.00.  So in this case the exchange rate was 1.35 which is much lower than my credit card company.

So how can you change your currency of payment since if your SIM card is in Singapore the Play Store will always use SGD no matter where you are even when you are oversea roaming (Yes I tried that in US).

First I have actually set up my Google Wallet Profile account address in Singapore.  That makes Play Store always use SGD as my payment.  In order to change to USD, I have to change my address to a US address.  You can use any address you can find.

First Login to your Google Wallet .
Click the Gear Icon on the top right hand corner.

Next Edit your Home Address.  This will cost Google Play Store to make your payment currency in respect to the home address.  In my case, USD for a USD address.

Here I am going to use the app, Facer Watch Face as an example. you will see it is price at $1.35 (this is actually SGD because my SIM card is Singapore SIM).  Click on the Buy button, you will be shown the below:

The purchase will not be made till you confirm you payment method.  You can add or change them by clicking the arrow of the drop down list.  This shows all your payment method you have created in Google Wallet.  You will see that the cost here is now in US$1.00.  So now I will be charge USD1.00 instead of SGD1.35.

Do note that if after changing your Google Wallet, if you are NOT seeing this refection on your phone (on that should already be working), you will need to go to your App Manager and do a uninstall of all the update and clear the cache.  This should be located in your Phone Settings menu, look for App or App Manager, etc.  After which restart your phone to also reflect this change on your mobile Google Play Store else it will always be showing SGD price even after clicking Buy button.

Of course to change back, you need to update your Account Home Address to a Singapore Address again and repeat the above for your phone setup.

I hope this tip will help you resolve your wondering.

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